

I'm love apple and MacOSX...
But when i buy my ibook g4 (not new) i buy many troubles.
MacOSX crashes and did'n want to boot...
It was troubles with battary and CPU.
ibook stops or crash when CPU clock changing.
After some tweaks and reassembling all become stable.
it was half year ago...



This is final (corporate edition) of Vista, i installed on one of notebooks at my work.
Many peoples don't want listen anything about new OS from Microsoft.
But i want say - vista is really better. It's different os.
I saw beta5... And now i see this release. A lot of work done.
Microsoft take security ideas from OpenBSD and Solaris and interface features from MacOSX...
Heh... Interface i see. What with Vista security and stability - good question.
Hard discussion started around it.

p.s. Vista runs fast with aero on CoreDuo 1.6 512mb RAM and i950 video.



Gentoo the best.
I understood this after some problems with it.
I have updated one of my servers (emerge --update system) and services dont start...
Heh... It's so lame, but i forgot about config protection system in gentoo.
Script directories changed by installing updates, but some of config's not changed.
Magical etc-update helps me...

So stupid mistake... >_<



Hm. really using proxy (squid) on my home server is really better than direct connection...
Speed of WebSurfing increases.

::[open ttd]::  


After hard work week this Sunday like error... Many of NOP's.
My work and study stops.

Maybe it's all because I'm play a game..
Transport Tycoon Deluxe is my favorite game in pass...
And now, many years later, i see it !
Finally the best transport strategy.

Today i draw big map/scenario for it...



I'm lost...
Lost my mind...
The week without any things and ideas.
Desert and nirvana in my head.

My code in hibernate mode.



virus vars.
Some new trojans use bug in klif.sys. This is driver of KasperskyAV 4.5.
This trojans loading driver and hide itself from user.
first, what you must do - see ntgtlog.txt after booting windows with logging.
If there something strange, it's maybe a virus. Check filename at google.com.

plz, if you see spelling errors - please tell me.
i want to know english better.

::[ new step ahead ]::  


i'll try to write my post in English.

Many of my old friends at present time having fun.
different interests, different world vision.
I can't say it at English, my knowledge is bad.
(i use english before just for reading technical documentation)

but... I have some big projects. old friends of mine says, that they want take a part.
Now they don't want listen about this projects. Only new people real take a part of my projects... This all not strange, but...

no more  

Posted in

я устал. Почти смертельно.
теперь я понял, что такое настоящая бессонница.
когда не можешь больше смотреть на этот мир, но не можешь уснуть.
когда сниться код, когда в якобы во сне твой мозг работает...

Когда хечешь есть, но еда противна.
Хочешь курить, но сишареты остачертели.
ходишь по квартире с лептопом в поисках тишины...
когда наступит гребаное утро и я смогу уйти "по делам"...
Устать, измотать себя, пока не наступит отруб...
просто отруб.

У меня СНИ - "синдром нервного истощения"...
когда каждая вешь принимает больше 2-х смыслов...

отсутсвие желаний. В этот момент я-бы стал солдатом и был-бы счастлив принимать приказы...



гугл ест мозг!!!!! 


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