
If you want to connect to analysis 2005/2008 from XMLA (SOAP over HTTP(S))
you may configure IIS like this.

All seems simple, but exists some tricks.
1. In all settings - path to folder, extention and filter - you must have same path to msmdpump.dll.
2. Anonymous access and password protected access:
you must give access rights to special user account of IIS in SQL Managment console in "server"->Security. For user IUSR_MACHINENAME.
Here screenshot of restricted anonymous access and enabled HTTP basic auth by domain user-password record. It will be usefull if you wand connect to SSAS from non-windows platform.

Check this first if you see this error in logs:

The description for Event ID ( 10 ) in Source ( MSOLAP ISAPI Extension:
\\?\c:\inetpub\wwwroot\olap\msmdpump.dll ) cannot be found. The local
computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL
files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the
/AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for
details. The following information is part of the event:

Here good guide of setting up IIS7 and excell. It's on russion, but screenshots from english versions.

Finally check msmdpump.ini if you running IIS and SSAS on different servers.


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